[PROMOȚIE 30% REDUCERE] CoinSlabs+ Eliminator de zgârieturi

(2 comentarii client)

$17.22 - $22.45

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[PROMOȚIE 30% REDUCERE] CoinSlabs+ Eliminator de zgârieturi

Effectively remove scratches on coin slabs and coin capsules with CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover!

Received or bought scratches PSA/BGS coin slabs? No worries! CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover is what you need to get your coin slabs and coin capsules scratch-free!

Reparație ușoară la zgârieturi și vârtej

 CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover gives your coins slabs and coin capsules a gentle cleaning that results in a smooth, non-greasy shine. After applying, plastic coin slabs are lustrous and better able to stand up to fingerprints, smudges, dust, scratches and static! Simply just apply it on a piece of cloth and wipe it!

Buff Out Fogginess and Abrasions

CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover buff out fogginess and abrasions in no time. As you transport and display your coins, the acrylic capsules can become scratched, marring a clear view of your coins. Save money on replacement capsules and other holders by keeping each of the CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover on hand for cleaning, shining, and removing scratches.


De lungă durată!

Spre deosebire de multe alte produse disponibile la raft, noastre CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover lasts a long time! You will be amazed how it lasts through! A little really goes a long way with this one and you will be amazed at how it can make your coin slabs and coin capsules brand new in a matter of minutes!

Sigur pe toate suprafetele

CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover work on most plastics and lengthen their service life. Even heavy plastic scratches and abrasions can be improved by using the right CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover. This will save you lots of time and money and keep your coin slabs and coin capsules look new and nice!


Bring Your Collectible Back To New!! Ia unul ACUM!


Termen de valabilitate: 3 ani

Greutate: 30ml, 50ml

Includerea pachetului1bottle CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover (30ml)/

1bottle CoinSlabs+ Scratch Remover (50ml)

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
[PROMOȚIE 30% REDUCERE] CoinSlabs+ Eliminator de zgârieturi
[PROMOȚIE 30% REDUCERE] CoinSlabs+ Eliminator de zgârieturi
$17.22 - $22.45 selectaţi opțiuni