Mănuși pentru îngrijirea animalelor de companie

(6 comentarii client)

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Mănuși pentru îngrijirea animalelor de companie

We’ve got the solution to your hairy problems!

Forget about shedding! With our Mănuși pentru îngrijirea animalelor de companie, all that shedding and hairy furniture will seem like just an awful nightmare. Now you can eliminate those pesky hairballs before they appear, once and for all!

cu Two-Hand Performance, you’ll tackle the task of grooming twice as fast and have more impressive results, too! What’s even more wonderful… All you have to do is pet and stroke your furry friend! Gone are the stressful days of chasing your pet, trying to run a brush or comb through all those mats and fly-away fur! Our high-quality Grooming Gloves were designed to be extremely gentle on your pet. Your furbaby will experience only happiness and pleasure, while you experience the satisfaction of knowing that all that hair won’t be rolling around on your floor anymore!

Descrierea produsului:

  • Includes Left & Right Gloves – Use both hands while grooming your furry friend!
  • Enhanced Five Finger Glove Design – Gently clean sensitive, hard-to-reach places, like face, tail or legs.
  • Utilizați umed sau uscat – Keep your hands and fingernails clean.
  • Animalele de companie adoră masajul mănușii – Scrubbing nubs provide relaxing massage. It feels so good your pet will ask for more!
  • Reduceți vărsarea - Periajul regulat îndepărtează părul și covorașele libere de pe haina animalului de companie.
  • Perfect for All Your Furry Friends - Pisici pufoase, câini jucăuși sau cai grațioși!
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Mănuși pentru îngrijirea animalelor de companie
Mănuși pentru îngrijirea animalelor de companie

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