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Prețul inițial a fost: 107.00 USD.Prețul actual este: 48.52 USD.

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descrierea produsului

  • World’s first fully automatic flatbread making robot. From dry flour to a fully puffed roti in 90 secs.

  • Built-in AI technology that allows Rotimatic to automatically measure, dispense,

  • mix and knead – one perfect dough ball at a time.

  • One perfect roti every 90 seconds! Take 6 mins to warm-up after you first start the Rotimatic.

  • Customize to your taste – allows you to adjust the thickness, 

  • roast and oil level for every flatbread. Makes rotis, puris, pizza base and masala rotis.

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
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8 în stoc