Jello Pig

(4 comentarii client)

Prețul inițial a fost: 31.99 USD.Prețul actual este: 8.99 USD.

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Jello Pig

ID articol: M2967

Căut unii jucării de calmare a stresuluiWe might have the exact toy for you! This cute Jello Pig este jucărie din silicon that we almost feel bad about bouncing it off the walls and floor. It gives us a devilish grin when we see it splat flat in comic book fashion and then reveni to its plump self.

GIF animat

Good for a squeeze or a smashThe soft magic jelly piggy just keeps coming back for more. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!


  • This is the toy that you do not want to leave it aside!
  • Extremely flexible that it will return back to it’s original shape after you smash it!
  • World’s best stress reliever!
  • Keep them away from sharp objects!

Pachetul include: 1 x Jello Pig

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
Jello Pig
Jello Pig
Prețul inițial a fost: 31.99 USD.Prețul actual este: 8.99 USD. selectaţi opțiuni