Ser de ochi de caviar

Prețul inițial a fost: 41.90 USD.Prețul actual este: 20.95 USD.

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User Feedback 1


User Feedback 2


Causes of eye wrinkles:

1. As you get older, your skin loses collagen

2. Improper skin care

3. Bad eye habits

4. Allergic eyelid dermatitis

Pentru oameni

Certificare expert

Experts strongly recommend

două ingrediente cheie

1. Retinol

2. caviar


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Why choose us (how to take effect)

1. Stimulate the regeneration of eye collagen and tighten the skin around the eyes

2. Moisturize the skin around the eyes and prevent dryness

3. Prevent allergic inflammation

Real feedback from more users

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specificatiile produsului

Mărimea Pachetului

Logistics guarantee certificate, etc..

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
Ser de ochi de caviar
Ser de ochi de caviar

8 în stoc