Pastă de făină pentru tort

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Pastă de făină pentru tort

🧁Bake up the perfect cupcakes!🧁

Having a tough time portioning your butter? Then the Pastă de făină pentru tort is just what you need. A must-have for any baker, it measures the same amount of batter every time, crearea de perfectly portioned cupcakes.

Ei curved scoop design se asigură nothing spills out the sides în timp ce batter flows in the right direction. Proiectat cu un smooth, non-stick surface, no batter is wasted as it all flows properly. It features leg stands to keep the scoop upright so there’s no mess on your counter.


  • Perfect Portions – Measures the same amount of batter every time, creating perfectly portioned cupcakes.
  • Scoop Design – Its scoop design makes sure batter flows in the right direction, preventing spilling from the sides.
  • Antiaderent – Its smooth, non-stick surface ensures batter smoothly flows out of the scoop.
  • Convenient Stand – Features leg stands to keep the scoop upright, preventing spills and messes.
  • Sigur de utilizat – Made from food-grade silicone that’s non-toxic and safe to use.
  • Operare ușoară – After scooping batter, simply slide the button to smoothly push it out and into your mold.


  • Material: ABS & TPE
  • Size: 19.5 cm x 6 cm x 4.5 cm

Produsul include

  • 1 x Cake Flour Paste Distribution Scoop
Treci o Yanda Oyna!
Pastă de făină pentru tort
Pastă de făină pentru tort

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