Pudră purificatoare pentru acvariu BioClear™

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$21.88 - $36.30

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Pudră purificatoare pentru acvariu BioClear™

Nu mai apă tulbure & algae filled fish tank!

Eco Aquarium Purifying Powder instantly purifies water & clears all turbidity in freshwater aquariums and ponds with an eco-friendly formula that is 100% harmless to fish and aquarium plants.

Formula puternică segregates dirt, mud & moss from water to result in crystal clear water in an instant.

It detoxifies ammonia & any heavy metals found in the tap water while controlling algae formation.


  • INSTANT PURIFICATIONPurifies & segregates dirt, mud & moss from water for a crystal clear result.
  • DETOXIFING: Converts ammonia into a safe nontoxic form.
  • SAFE & SUSTAINABLE: Made of organic & harmless ingredients to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem.
  • ODOR CLEARING: Removes odor-causing bacteria and prevents the spread of filamentous algae.
  • VALUABLE PACK: Contains 5 pouches and 1 pouch is sufficient to clean 75 liters of water.


  • Greutate: 100 g
  • Type: Water purifier powder

Pachetul include:

  • BioClear™ Aquarium Purifying Powder ( 1 box = 5 packs )
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Pudră purificatoare pentru acvariu BioClear™
Pudră purificatoare pentru acvariu BioClear™
$21.88 - $36.30 selectaţi opțiuni