Artemisias Detox Detergent pentru picioare

(2 comentarii client)

$12.69 - $47.85

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Artemisias Detox Detergent pentru picioare


Made with the extract of Artemisia and a blend of herbs, this detox foot bath pack îmbunătățește circulația sângelui and promotes a better lymph flow to release toxins and reduce water retention, making you feel energetic and healthy all the time.Treat yourself with a relaxing foot bath for 30-60 minutes! Regular use at night¬†will help you to sleep deeper, longer¬†against day time fatigue and anxiety.With the properties of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant, it also soothes, reduces muscle tension, și improves the function of joints and muscles to comfort your every step.


  • Îți detoxifică corpul¬†
    Promote lymphatic drainage to release toxins, reduce water retention, and beneficial to weight loss, making you feel energetic and healthy all the time.
  • Relieves Pain, Tiredness and Muscle Weakness¬†
    With the properties of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant, it soothes and reduce the pain and improve the function of your joints and muscles.
  • Relaxes Your Mind and Improves Sleep Quality¬†
    Promote a better sleep quality against day time fatigue and anxiety.
  • Îmbunătățește circulația sângelui
  • Improve Swelling and Promote Weight Loss
  • All Pure and Natural


  • For better results, soak you feet up with the product for 30-60 minutes at least once a week
  • Please store the product in a cool and dry environment
  • For Pregnant, breastfeeding women, children, people with allergies, and injuries, please seek professional advice before use.


  • 5pc or 30pc of Artemisias Detox Foot Bath Pack
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Artemisias Detox Detergent pentru picioare
Artemisias Detox Detergent pentru picioare
$12.69 - $47.85 selectaţi opțiuni