Ser anti-îmbătrânire

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Ser anti-îmbătrânire

 Luxury Six Peptide Anti Aging Serum cu natural anti-îmbătrânire și antirid ingrediente creates the conduction effect and improves skin’s ability.

It helps to absorb active herbal ingredients, ensures long-term moisturizing effect, helps to regenerate skin cells, protects the skin from wrinkle’s formation and slows the aging process.
It’s perfect for anyone looking to combat signs of aging by reducing and preventing apariția riduri, fine lines, and smile lines.
  • Semnal the body for additional collagen production
  • Restabili a youthful glow to your skin
  • Reduce linii fine și riduri
  • Grăsuț and hydrate while balancing skin
  • Stimula collagen (1 and 111) and elastin fibroblasts
  • Suport the healing and repair response in your skin


  • Greutate neta: 10 ml
  • Greutatea pachetului: 0.1 kg 
  • Mărimea Pachetului: 10 x 8 x 6 cm

Pachetul include:

  • 1 x Luxury Six Peptide Anti Aging Serum
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Ser anti-îmbătrânire
Ser anti-îmbătrânire

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