(šŸ”„Reducere fierbinte de Anul Nou) Artifact manual de țesut DIY ā€“ Cumpărați 4 Obțineți o reducere suplimentară de 20%

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(šŸ”„New Year Hot Sale) Handmade DIY Weaving Artifact ā€“ Buy 4 Get Extra 20% OFF

Knitting essential ā€“ Knitting Loom Kit

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Have you discovered the hot tool that makes knitting more accessible than ever before-without knitting needles? Itā€™s a Scarf Knitting Loom Kit, and using one is as simple as wrapping yarn around the pegs and lifting the yarn loops with a pick-like tool.

  • Easy & Fun to Use Itā€™s a convenient tool for weaving. You can knit quickly and easily with the knitter rectangle loom. Itā€™s designed specifically for making scarves, blankets, and other types of double panel united that is the same on both sides.
  • Ușor și durabilThe knitting tool is not massive. So, you can easily carry it anywhere without any hassle. It is also a lasting tool that would not break or ruined easily.
  • Diversified CreationsThe tool is perfect for sewing and crocheting. Itā€™s designed for a variety of projects, for example, scarf, hat, and so on.

  • ReglabilThe knitting tool is to make any size from infants to adult socks. So, you donā€™t have to bother about the size!
  • De Ć®naltă calitate,Knitting looms are made from durable ABS plastic and colour coded for the different sizes.


Material: plastic ABS

Product Length: 26cm / 36cm / 47cm / 58cm

Product Width: 3cm

Culori: aleatoriu

Pachetul include:

1 x Knitting Loom Kit

1 x CĆ¢rlig

2 x Yarn Needle

1 x Instrucțiune

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
(šŸ”„Reducere fierbinte de Anul Nou) Artifact manual de țesut DIY - Cumpărați 4 Obțineți o reducere suplimentară de 20%
(šŸ”„Reducere fierbinte de Anul Nou) Artifact manual de țesut DIY ā€“ Cumpărați 4 Obțineți o reducere suplimentară de 20%
$8.90 - $40.40 selectaÅ£i opțiuni