👼Nașterea lui Isus-Sfeșnic minimalist.

(2 comentarii client)

Prețul inițial a fost: 26.59 USD.Prețul actual este: 21.47 USD.

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👼Nașterea lui Isus-Sfeșnic minimalist.

👼About this artwork:

To express the scene of the nativity through minimalism, it can be used as a work of art or as a candlestick to make your home comfortable.

👼The birth of Jesus:

  • The Light of the World has come to us.
  • Minimalism, simple and noble, amazingly strong and fragile at the same time.
  • Exuding love and strength from the family.


  • Rășină


  • Height: 7.9 inches(19cm)
  • Width: 4.72 inches(12cm)
  • Depth: 4.72 inches(12cm)


Treci o Yanda Oyna!
👼Nașterea lui Isus-Sfeșnic minimalist.
👼Nașterea lui Isus-Sfeșnic minimalist.

8 în stoc