🎅(Reducere timpurie de Crăciun – Economisiți 40% REDUCERE) Adăpare în formă de pasăre

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$8.74 - $18.63

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🎅(Reducere timpurie de Crăciun – Economisiți 40% REDUCERE) Adăpare în formă de pasăre

When I travel a lot or travel for a few days, what should I do with plants at home?

Nu vă faceți griji!
Choosing a beautiful and convenient automatic watering device can help you solve many troubles.
Automatic Bird Shaped Plant Waterer keeps your plants watered for up to 7 days!

Its bottom is red pottery, which can penetrate water.

Transparent container, easy to observe the water volume
The pouring place is at the beak, which is very convenient

The overall shape is cute and simple, making your green plants more beautiful and full of vitality

Makes a great gift for gardeners and plant lovers

Perfect for potted plants, houseplants, patio plants, hanging plants and outdoor garden.
roduct quality:Terracotta+PS

Dimensiunea produsului: 16.6 * 7cm

Greutatea produsului: 73g

Treci o Yanda Oyna!
🎅(Reducere timpurie de Crăciun - Economisiți 40% REDUCERE) Adăpare în formă de pasăre
🎅(Reducere timpurie de Crăciun – Economisiți 40% REDUCERE) Adăpare în formă de pasăre
$8.74 - $18.63 selectaţi opțiuni