(🎃Promoții pentru Halloween timpuriu - 50% REDUCERE)⭐Lumini Firefly Bunch⭐

(2 comentarii client)

$2.50 - $5.98

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(🎃Promoții pentru Halloween timpuriu - 50% REDUCERE)⭐Lumini Firefly Bunch⭐

Want A New Exciting Way To Create Light Designs?

The Firefly Bunch Lights are flexible, bendable enough to be made into any design you desire. The Firefly Bunch Lights comes in a bunch and can be separated, but we recommend keeping them together and dropping them slightly apart to give the amazing effect like below.

Luminile buchetelor de licurici


  • PERFECT PENTRU: The Firefly Bunch Lights are perfect for floral arrangements, tabletop displays, ornamental bushes, potted plants, decorative bottles and so much more, you’ll never be short of ideas with our firefly bunch lights
  • DIFFERENT USESFirefly Bunch Lights can be used for much more than just Christmas lights, they can be used on the porch, patio decor, special events, parties, weddings, and indoor lights. The Firefly Bunch Lights are casual enough to fit into any part of your home
  • ÎMPOTRIVA METEO: Never worry about your Firefly Bunch Lights being damaged, because the Firefly Bunch Lights are made to withstand all weather situations from rain, hail or shine. The firefly bunch lights are the perfect lights for all occasions
  • FLEXIBLE: The Firefly Bunch Lights are flexible enough to bend and twist in any direction you need to place on any surface such as trees, metal framing, windows and more with our Firefly Bunch Lights

Luminile buchetelor de licurici



  • Material: ABS/PVC linie transparentă, șir luminos din cupru
  • Drops: 10 Drops
  • LED quantity: 10LEDS/30LEDS/50LEDS
  • Unghi de vizualizare LED: 360°

Pachetul include:

  • 1 x Firefly Bunch Lights
Treci o Yanda Oyna!
(🎃Promoții pentru Halloween timpuriu - 50% REDUCERE)⭐Lumini Firefly Bunch⭐
(🎃Promoții pentru Halloween timpuriu - 50% REDUCERE)⭐Lumini Firefly Bunch⭐
$2.50 - $5.98 selectaţi opțiuni